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Shop keepers be safe: ways to keep safe from gang members.


Today, I want to address a serious issue that we might encounter ; conflicts with dangerous criminals or gang members in our shops/ premises . Bare in mind this is a guide to deal with criminal customers as opposed to just difficult customers.


Now, picture this:

You're doing your job working at the shop, minding your business. A customer comes in and you have an altercation with that customer. Or gang members run into your shop chasing someone who has ran inside for cover. What do you do? It's a situation no shop keeper wants to find themselves in. So, let's dive in and learn how to avoid conflicts with criminals in our shops.


1. First things first, prevention is key.

Mind the areas you set up shop on. If an area is known for knife crime or violence, exercise caution and be mindful of the potential cons as well as pros. Be aware of your surroundings.


2. Next, consider investing in a shield that can protect you from customers in the shop.

It may seem extreme, but your safety is paramount. Now, I want to make one thing clear: we must never pre-judge our customers and assume one is dangerous, rather remain cautious and vigilant. Which brings us to our next point.


3. Be vigilant, pay attention.

However, it's important to observe behaviours as they approach and when they're in your shop. If you notice any signs of aggression or instability, be extra vigilant. When faced with a dangerous situation, the goal is to keep yourself safe and defuse the tension.



 Here are some steps to follow:

 When dealing with these situations remember that not only your safety is at risk here but also that of anyone in the shop, those outside the shop, your stock, your business and money.

1. Stay calm:

Keep your emotions in check, even though fear or pride may creep in. Escalating the situation won't do anyone any good.

 2. Do not add fuel to the fire.

If faced with a violent , aggressive or armed customer, comply and avoid confrontation. Respond with complying words rather than questioning or expressing your opinion. The customer may interpret any disagreement as disrespect and react violently.

Calmly evacuate the shop if there are any other customers in the shop that still have not left.

3. Notify the authorities discreetly:

 If possible, have an alarm button or a discreet way to notify the police. Dial emergency services like 999 or 112, but keep the volume low so the customer remains unaware.

4. Secure your personal space: 

Lock them to prevent anyone from entering  and attacking you. Your safety is your priority.

5. Assess your options for escape:

 If you have a clear opportunity to escape safely, take it. However, be cautious and avoid any obvious movements that may provoke the customer.

6. Report to the police:

 As soon as you can, report the incident to the police, even if the customer is still in the shop. If you can call the police discreetly, do so, and turn down the volume so the customer remains unaware.

7. Get them out safely: 

If possible, try to convince the customer to exit the shop; distance yourself from the danger.


Remember, never underestimate the potential danger a customer may pose.

Always prioritize your safety and be cautious.  The safety of both you and your customers is of upmost importance.

Alright, my fellow shop keepers, stay alert, stay safe, and keep that cash flowing!

Work with caution, and remember to watch out for any signs of trouble. Your life matters, so take the necessary precautions to avoid conflicts with criminals in your shop.

Stay safe out there!




Author - Dorcas Zion Amisi

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